Other locations NW of Boubon

90. Epitaph (?) of Diodoros


Diodoros, son of Apollonios

Rectangular limestone block, seen by Naour in 1974 at Hekimler (6 km SW of Çameli, 14.5 km NW of Boubon) in the schoolyard. Inscription on one of the side faces. The stone appears to have been reused as a threshold, sill or lintel. Naour dates the lettering to Hellenistic times. He reports that scattered potsherds and tiles, and traces of ruins on the hill above the hamlet of Hekimler suggest the location of a village in antiquity. He also mentions fragments of sarcophagi and columns, as well as a small sarcophagus kept at the school, with a relief showing a round shield, two javelins and a door.

Height: 65 cm; length: 55 cm; depth: 50 cm; letters: 2.5-3.5 cm.

Naour 1976, p. 118, no. 10.

Both names are ubiquitous in the Greek world. For Ἀπολλώνιος cf. no. 79. If this indeed is a funerary inscription, it belongs to a type known in Lycia both in hellenistic and Roman times, in which the name of the tomb owner appears in the nominative case (Naour, op. cit., p. 119 with n. 37).